티스토리 뷰
Need help with a question when dealing with ammunition-related problems? Not sure where to turn?
Sources of valuable advice include a Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition Surveillance), ammunition supply point personnel, range safety, a military ammunition specialist (MOS 55B), an ammunition LAR, and various publications including ARs, TMs and FMs.
Still no luck? Try the Defense Ammunition Center’s (DAC) AmmoHelp website.
This 24-hour help system provides a one-stop clearing house for soldiers and civilians
seeking answers to ammunition-related questions that can’t be readily found elsewhere.
Sources of valuable advice include a Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition Surveillance), ammunition supply point personnel, range safety, a military ammunition specialist (MOS 55B), an ammunition LAR, and various publications including ARs, TMs and FMs.
Still no luck? Try the Defense Ammunition Center’s (DAC) AmmoHelp website.
This 24-hour help system provides a one-stop clearing house for soldiers and civilians
seeking answers to ammunition-related questions that can’t be readily found elsewhere.