티스토리 뷰
96% of Koreans Value a Poker Face at Work |
Most Korean employees agree they should keep an unemotional facial expression at work, a survey has found, but some 60 percent say they have suffered from being unable to do so.
According to a survey by jobs website Saramin (www.saramin.co.kr), 95.9 percent of 1,278 respondents agreed that it's best to hide your expressions from your face at work. When asked why, 22.5 percent said since they have to do the work anyway, and 22.2 percent said they thought they might suffer if they revealed their emotions. Some 19.2 percent said it's more important to look like part of the group than to stand out. While most employees know they should remain inscrutable at work, 64.4 percent of respondents said they suffered losses or were misunderstood when they couldn't do it. When asked how they feel about people who are very skilled at remaining expressionless, 47.7 percent of respondents agreed it seemed that their ability "oiled the wheels of their social life", while 14.6 percent called those people unpleasant and 9.6 percent said they seemed untrustworthy.