한국의 야생화
한국의 야생화 한국의 야생화가 있는 멋진 곳이네요. 같이 공부도 하고, 감상도 하시러 가세요.~
현이 Essay/추억만들기
2006. 5. 29. 00:24
Today my sun play the soccer. Daughter have a nice time with her girl friend who lives in downstairs. Wife looks somewhat tired. So she fall asleep. Me? I worked in my office till 12:00 P.M. I muddle through the bitters of life. (고난의 길을 걷다.) Why my life is so busy & difficult? Anyone have the answer?
현이 Essay/추억만들기
2006. 3. 23. 02:37